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We Teach Design
to Kids in Institutions

Why Design?

“Design” means “plan” and “scheme”.
At Children Design Education we teach the kids
in institutions how to acquire this skill to design.
They will eventually develop their skills
to change their lives for the better.
Drawing and painting (designing) requires full work of the ‘prefrontal cortex’ of the brain which works to project for the future, control emotions and calm down the impulse. This prefrontal cortex is often regarded as human mind itself. We develop our prefrontal cortex through various experiences from infancy to the age of ten.
Diamond weekly 2009. 7.25 “Kids and Crises”

The children in institutions
and Orphanages

The number of kids who live in institutions
away from their parents for reasons such as
poverty, abuse, and neglect is sharply
increasing lately. These kids suffer social
hardship and are disadvantaged in terms
of higher education and employment.
They are concerned about their future.

Increasing Number of
Calls to the Child Abuse Hotline

It made based on the summary of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

Our Mission

By developing the children’s design taste and
computer skills, we will enhance their chances
for higher education and employment.
We are also developing an‘online design
market system’ through which the kids can
earn and support themselves in the future.
We want to contribute to make our society
a better one by sending out financially
independent young people.

Annual Income of Parents and
Courses After School of Their Kids

It made based on management and the policy research center investigation of Tokyo University.

Enjoy Designing!

The kids at Children Design Education
learn practical designing through playing
with computers and various materials.
They learn to have good manners and
behave themselves.
They also learn those basic skills like
math and Japanese through our education program.

Support Us

Our society is losing its stability.
We can see it by the increase of crime
rate, delinquency and child abuse.
Some kids are abused by their parents
who were also abused children themselves.
We must break this chain of abuse
somewhere and direct the kids to the
right direction before it’s too late.
We hope you are interested in
our activity and will help us.

Our Vision

Children Design Education was approved
as a non‐profit organization in February 2010.
Our plan is to open our classroom all day
as a new type of Terakoya, a local school
where any kids can attend.
In the future the school will become
a foster parent group home for those
kids where they will grow and work
to realize a society of happiness.

子どもデザイン教室 外観
We provide comfortable environment for the kids to learn.